Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Step One...

Hello blogging world! My name is Debi. If you only knew me by my current titles, you might call me a failure. A disappointment. Someone to be pitied. At least that's what I've believed about myself, so I assume you might, too.

At this specific moment in time, I have the following titles:

That's 40 years old. To some people that's not a big deal, but in combination with title #2....well, you'll see.

Yep. 40 and single. Never saw this one coming when I was planning my wedding. Or when I was going through the divorce. I thought...I'm 34. I'm smart and funny and cute. I'm a catch. It won't be too hard to find someone. How stupid was that?! 6 years, two relationships, and no hubby later....We'll talk more about this in days to come.

It's an exceptionally long, ugly story. I'll share that with you one day, too. By itself, being unemployed isn't necessarily a horrible thing. It doesn't make first date chitchat too comfortable, though! And couple it with this next thing....

I LOVE this title!!! Unemployed single-mom....I do not love.

If these new title had come along over a long period of time, maybe I would have had time to accept them. I could have adjusted. I could have grieved, regrouped, and sailed on to the next life event. We all do that. However 40, single-again, and unemployed happened within 9 months of each other.

I'm not saying this is the worst personal story you've ever heard, it's just my story. And for me, right now, it sucks. I've thrown my pity parties. I've invited others to join me. I've cried big ugly, snot bubble, drooling cries. I've been depressed. Depressed like on those tv commercials with that looming-gray-cloud-that-won't-go-away, Depressed. I am not content in my circumstances (sorry, God) Maybe you or someone you know can relate and we can take this journey together. I have NO intention to continue to let these circumstances, these titles, suck the life out of me. Because I have other titles. Titles that I too often forget:


The titles are based on unwavering truth.  The others are based on ever-changing circumstances.

So begins our journey together. One in which "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness" prevail. (Galations 5:22) We'll talk about day-to-day stuff, like friendships, parenting, dating, my many thought-provoking revelations I have about random happenings. It'll be good. Good and fruitful.

Thanks for walking with me,

1 comment:

  1. As a divorced, barely employed, single dad in his 40's I can relate. Good listener too.
